Residential Land Halstead

Residential Development Opportunity Land off Bournebridge Hill, Halstead, Essex

  • Outline planning permission for up to 200 residential dwellings

  • 30% Affordable Housing

  • All matters reserved with the exception of access

  • Land comprises 13.34 hectares (32.96 acres)

  • Granted at appeal ref APP/ Z1510/W/22/3299178 and dated 16th November 2022

  • For Sale by Informal Tender, offers sought on an unconditional basis by 12 noon on Wednesday 29th March 2023 

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Rayleigh OFFICE

For further information or to arrange to view this property please call

01268 783377

Ref: MG/Bournebridge Hill

Additional Information



The site is approximately 13.34 hectares (32.96 acres) and currently greenfield and used for agricultural purposes. The proposed development effectively forms phase 2 to the western extension of Halstead. The recent adjacent Oakwood Hill development consists of 292 dwellings and is now complete, having been developed by Barratt David Wilson & Bloor Homes.


The site is located to the west of Halstead and adjacent to Oakwood Hill development to the east. The site is bound by agricultural land to the south and west.

Halstead is a thriving market town, with the high street approximately 1km to the north and offering a wealth of shops, restaurants, leisure amenities, schools and healthcare in accordance with its size and function as a market town.

Braintree’s town centre and train station is within approximately 6 miles providing direct rail access to Chelmsford (approximately 25 minutes); London Liverpool Street (approximately 1 hour) and Colchester (approximately 45 minutes).

The site also benefits from its close proximity to the A131 and A1124 offering good connections to Sudbury, Colchester and Chelmsford.


The site benefits from an outline planning permission (OPP) for up to 200 dwellings granted at appeal on 16th November 2022(Ref APP/Z1510/W/22/32991787.

The planning application (Ref 19/00493/OUT), dated 11th March 2019, was refused by notice dated 18th March 2022.

The approved description of development is “Outline application for up to 200 dwellings (including 30% affordable housing), planting, landscaping, public open space and children’s play area and sustainable drainage systems (SuDS). All matters reserved with the exception of access.”


As per the planning permission the purchaser will be responsible for the 30% affordable housing under the Section 106 Agreement together with all S106 contributions and obligations. A copy of the S106 agreement is included within the data room.


A phase II site investigation has been commissioned and undertaken. The report will be circulated to interested parties prior to the bid date.


Access for all purposes is to be retained to the land immediately southwest of the site as identified on the approved Development Framework Plan. The purchaser will also be responsible for fencing the southern boundary to ensure residents do not access the retained arable land.


There is a S106 obligation that requires the details of the footpath links into the adjacent scheme to be submitted together with any variation to the Open Space Management Strategies (on the adjacent development) to be submitted in advance of any reserved matters application on this site. The vendors promoter has submitted the detail and this information will be made available to interested parties via the data room.


Whirledge and Nott have instructions to market the site via an informal tender process with a view to selling it at the best consideration achieved as a result of the marketing campaign.

The vendors do not undertake to accept the highest or indeed any offer.

Offers are invited on an unconditional basis.

Further bidding requirements will be provided to interested parties before the tender due date.

Offers are to be provided to Matthew Gill via email m.gill@whirledgeandnott.co.uk by 12 noon on Wednesday 29th March 2023.


Request Details